October 2022 - Let's Talk About PRACTICING.

Let's talk about PRACTICING.

"We want to learn piano for fun. We aren't going to take this too seriously."

I understand this sentiment all too well. Here's the problem with it:

Many kids equate having fun with an activity as being GOOD at an activity. Their enjoyment level increases when they are successful at whatever that activity is.

When you don't put in the time, and couple it with unrealistic expectations about how quickly you will master an activity, what do you get?

  • The same assignment every week, the same songs, the same etudes and exercises.

  • Boredom.

  • Disappointment.

  • Desire to quit.

Piano is a skill first...then it's an art form. I truly believe anyone can learn to play the piano - if one takes the required time to do it.

So how can we support our students?

  • help them find a consistent, regular practice time, free from distraction, ideally when they are not exhausted or hangry (yes, I said HANGRY)

  • ask them on the day of their lesson what their assignment is. If they don't know, they didn't listen, because I ALWAYS give an assignment. I have been steering away from practice journals because kids aren't reading them anyway. Instead, look for post-it tabs in their music books.

  • reach out to the teacher! I am here to help and I want your student to succeed!

  • Don't make practicing a battle. If the expectation is that this is something that will get done, and you stay calm about it, you'll be amazed at the results. Bribery never hurt anyone. Likewise, set clear expectations about what will happen if they don't get their practicing done.

Beth Fischer