April 2024 - Bella Italia

I spent eight days in Italy over spring break, traveling with my older daughter Adrienne and the Hochstein Youth Symphony Orchestra. We visited Rome, Florence, Pisa, Cremona, and Milan. Some days my watch counted over twenty thousand steps. I ate delicious food, smelled intoxicating scents, and feasted my eyes on beauty that seems to be everywhere you look in this vibrant, noisy country. Italy is ALIVE; it demands attention. There is no time to rest because you might miss out on something spectacular.

Life is richer when we make space for wonder, amazement, reflection, nature, and art. It’s hard to fit it all in sometimes, but it’s so important to our experience as human beings.

Fairport CSD String Teacher Beth Glaza was an excellent roommate.

The view from our hotel room in suburban Rome.

The Roman Forum

The Roman Colosseum

Trevi Fountain

Italy - where food is art

Don’t forget to look up!

HYSO performing at St. Paul’s Within the Walls, Rome

Hello, Michelangelo.

View of the city of Florence

The Leaning Tower of Pisa

The Duomo in Cremona

HYSO performing in Cremona

Franz Liszt’s Steinway piano, on display at La Scala Opera House in Milan

The old castle in Milan

On the streets of Milan

Beth Fischer