July 2024 - Longer Lessons Are Better

Hear me out, as I take you through the average 21st-century person’s day.

Wake up, rush to school, parents rush to work.

Arrive at school/work, where we encounter sensory bombardment for the next 6+ hours - constant readjusting to new activities, social situations, environments, people.

After school, a respite, perhaps, but chances are good that kids are shuttled from one activity to another - sports practice, tutoring, after-school programming, swim lessons, music lessons, snacks, Scouts, religious education, maybe a meal in the car.

Homework has to be crammed in. Chores. Feed and walk the dog. Scoop the cat litter. Fret about things that happened at school.

Free time, if there is any, is filled with distractions and disconnections. Screens. Video games. News. Alexa.

We live in a time of constant external stimulation. Consider a 45 minute lesson at the piano as an oasis.

What typically happens in an average lesson - a student arrives, sometimes a few minutes late. We spend the first five minutes decompressing and greeting one another, unpacking books (if they were remembered), and getting settled at the instrument. By the time a student is finally immersed and able to concentrate, it’s time to go, rushing to the next activity or obligation.

I propose something different.

A longer lesson allows for a more relaxed pace. We want our students to be free from tension at the piano, not frantic or anxious. Teaching them to be comfortable in their body requires time and patience. A longer lesson gives space for a deeper understanding of music theory instruction, real human connection, and playtime. It demonstrates the value of being still, of deep listening and focus. Concentration is a practice and a discipline.

Making space for the things we value in life is important. Music-making is inherently valuable, as is creativity. Piano is not another item to be checked off the to-do list, it’s a respite from the daily grind.

How often do we spend time one-on-one with each other? Undivided attention and guidance from a teacher is priceless.

Let’s spend more time together.

Beth Fischer